Commissioned by Petre Modolea, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the era of the monarchy, and designed by the renowned architect and professor Tiberiu Niga, the house at 88 Clucerului Street is rooted in the aristocracy of the 1940s.
Tiberiu Niga was shaped by the zeitgeist of the 1920s-40s, belonging to a period of social complexity and fervent cultural creation. Conceptually, as a follower of the Bauhaus School, of the International Style, Niga subtly distanced himself from the Neo-Romanian architectural style and other eclectic trends of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. He thus sought to assert a personal re-interpretation of traditional Romanian architecture.
Throughout the years, the sculptor Ion Vlasiu and the orchestra conductor Iosif Conta, deputy director of the public Radio station and conductor of the National Radio Orchestra, lived here. The latter brought slight changes to the building, setting up a small concert room on the ground floor.
Art Yourself is situated in the centre of Bucharest, near Parcul Kiseleff, Manastirea Casin and Arcul de Triumf.
We have chosen this space, reminiscent of Bucharest’s inter-war period of cultural fervour, to bring together artists that are either already major or emerging players on the contemporary art scene, in the hope of contributing to the revival of the city’s artistic vibrancy.
“The art is not what you see, but what you make the others see.”
Edgar Degas
Art Yourself gallery is a space destined for contemporary art, which brings in the spot light Romanian artists from different generations, visions and approaches , which are trying to express through forms and messages – ideas, sensations, emotions and searches.
Even since the opening in the fall of 2011, the exhibitions, exhibition openings and the ArtYourself Events keep alive the connection between artists and the public, providing an extra effervescent for the artistic production, but also a continuous interaction between aesthetic and ideas.
We want through the three-pronged approach – rigorous selection of artists, consistent exhibitions and pertinent advices offered to collectors – to contribute to the rise and sedimentation of the contemporary art market in Romania, and the ritualization of the connection between the public and the artists.
Paraphrasing the great Ansel Easton Adams which said: “to those who are telling me that in my photos there are no people present , I respond: there are always two persons, the photographer and the onlooker”, we invite you to experience your own art definition.
Sublim este ceea ce, prin simplul fapt că-l putem gândi, dovedeşte existenţa unei facultăţi a sufletului care depăşeşte orice unitate de măsură a simţurilor. Immanuel Kant
Aflora este o serie de fotografii care depăşeşte sfera botanică în urbanul adiacent. Fractalii finiţi ai detaliilor vegetale reflecta matrici elaborate ale sistemului gigant. Am simţit cum oraşul primeşte din partea vegetaţiei omniprezente un transfer tacit de energie iar un fluid vital leagă conceptele într-un tot puternic, care refuză întrebările imediate.
“Self-searching” este de fapt un moment care mi-a fost oferit și prin care ofer, la rândul meu, un moment de observare si de interpretare artistică a tot ce mă înconjoară, să pot reflecta momente cu adevărat importante pentru societate, pentru felul nostru de-a fi și pentru mine…putem spune o “pagină” din ceea ce sunt sau simt, un pasaj si, probabil, o acceptare a ceea ce suntem, un moment al generației mele și nu numai.
418 | Aiurart | AnaidArt | Anca Poterasu | AnnArt Gallery | Artfooly | ArtYourself | Atelier 35 | DanaArt | Eastward Prospectus | Elite Art | Galateca | H’art | Ivan | Năsui | Nicodim | Victoria Art | Zorzini